Earth, The Final Frontier...
The Global Environmental Analysis and Remote Sensing (GEARS) Laboratory, led by Dr. Jonathan A. Greenberg, focuses on addressing questions of the impacts of climate change and land use/land cover change on vegetated ecosystems using remote sensing data. Our research ranges across scales from individual plants to the globe, across many terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, and utilizes state-of-the-art remote sensing imagery including hyperspectral, hyperspatial, multitemporal, thermal, and LiDAR data, collected from spaceborne, airborne, and terrestrial sensors.
Remote Sensing Science
Enabling Technologies in RS and GISTo improve the scale and resolution of analyses, and enable the use of more advanced and computationally costly algorithms for remote sensing and GIS analyses. |
Recent Updates
Want to work with us?GEARS Lab is part of the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences at the University of Nevada, Reno. We are always looking for folks interested in working towards a Master's or PhD Degree in our lab. Please take a look at our graduate degrees.
Interested in our research?Our lab works on projects from the scale of leaves to the globe. Our research involves ecology, natural resource management, computer science, and engineering.
LOOKING FOR DATA AND SOFTWARE?Our lab has a commitment to Open Content and Open Source standards for our data and code.