Current Research Projects
Current Funding Sources:
- Sierra Meadows Partnership Grant. "Modeling Meadow Carbon Fluxes: A Data-Driven Remote Sensing Approach to Estimate Carbon Fluxes in Response to Disturbance, Restoration and Climate Change in Meadows throughout the Sierra Nevada". 2023. C. Reed, J. Greenberg, and B. Sullivan.
- NASA Carbon Monitoring System: Continuing Prototype Product Development, "A Phase 3 CMS that disaggregates forest biomass estimates in response to stakeholder needs: Seeing the forest for the trees". 2023. Hudak, A., G. Domke, L. Monika Moskal, M. Steen-Adams, F. Mauro, C. Babcock, J. Greenberg, V. Kane, R. Kennedy, A. Meddens, C.A. Silva, J. Vogeler, P. Gould, S. Popescu, and M. Corrao.
- Google Climate Innovation Challenge. "The Gigafire Project: a novel framework for spatializing the Forest Vegetation Simulator to generate high resolution post fuel treatment forest estimates across large spatial scales". 2023. N.C. Inglis and J.A. Greenberg.
- NSF ACCESS Accelerate. "The Gigafire Project: a novel framework for spatializing the Forest Vegetation Simulator to generate high resolution post fuel treatment forest estimates across large spatial scales". 2023. A. Cale and J.A. Greenberg.
- CALFIRE. “Research for a Cyberinfrastructure-Enabled Carbon and Fuels Mapping Model Prototype”. 2022. J.A. Greenberg.
- CALFIRE. "Fuel succession: monitoring and modeling ladder fuels to balance fire risk and carbon retention". 2022. Hanan, E.J. and J.A. Greenberg.
- California Air Resources Board. "Advanced Carbon Modeling Techniques for the Forest Health Quantification Methodology". 2021. Greenberg, J.A. and E. Hanan.